Zen Cart Backup Plan

Maybe you've heard the saying about two types of people in the world.  Those that have lost data and those that will.  It is both naive and risky to not have a Zen Cart backup plan in place.  Ask yourself, what would happen if my Zen Cart when down and I couldn't get it back?

By |2013-01-29T11:49:55-06:00January 29th, 2013|Zen Cart|0 Comments

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting

When it comes to website hosting, there are basically three types: Shared, VPS and Dedicated. I'll discuss Shared and VPS here.  Dedicated is beyond the needs and budgets for most small business owners. Web servers are computers designed specifically for serving up websites.  Because of this, many of the same rules that apply to

By |2020-10-21T18:59:45-05:00January 24th, 2013|Zen Cart|0 Comments

Zen Cart 1.5 patches

Zen Cart 1.5 was released on the last day of 2011. Since then, there has been one patch and one minor version released.  If you are using version 1.5, here's how to check your current Zen Cart version, than these Zen Cart 1.5 patches should be in your budget and on your schedule. I've previously

By |2013-01-02T09:10:37-06:00January 2nd, 2013|Upgrades & Patches|0 Comments
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