Zen Cart 1.5 was released on the last day of 2011. Since then, there has been one patch and one minor version released.  If you are using version 1.5, here’s how to check your current Zen Cart version, than these Zen Cart 1.5 patches should be in your budget and on your schedule.

I’ve previously written about the XSS vulnerability and the new Zen Cart 1.5.1 version.

While I don’t believe in scare tactics, I do believe in using knowledge and planning to prevent problems before they occur.  If you are using version 1.5 without the XSS patch and someone, a bad guy, exploits the vulnerability I wouldn’t be doing my job. It would be my fault for not telling you about it so you could do something about it and prevent the problem for occurring. Now it’s your job to see if you are vulnerable and, if so, contact us to fix it.

Maybe you’ve heard me say this before, but it bears repeating. It is important to be on a currently supported version of Zen Cart. It is very risky to run any software with know security issues, especially an online store accessible by anyone in the world.  There are bad people out there who will do you harm, if they can. They will steal your customer data, ruin your reputation and knock your store off-line until you can get it patched and working again.

It is so much easier to plan and budget for an upgrade or patch than it is to recover from one. Ask someone whose Zen Cart was hacked if they regretting not doing something about it sooner.  Please contact us for questions or a quote.